Decentralized Web Services

Decentralized domain services DNS are web services that are provided by a network of distributed nodes rather than a central server. This means that there is no single point of failure, and the service is more resilient to attacks. Common decentralized hosting services include:

IPFS: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

Dat: A decentralized data protocol that enables applications to load data faster and more securely.

Filecoin: A decentralized storage network that runs on the IPFS protocol.

Blockstack: A decentralized computing platform that enables developers to build apps that run on a blockchain.

ENS: A decentralized domain name system that allows you to register and resolve human-readable names on the Ethereum blockchain.

There are many more decentralized web services out there, and new ones are being created all the time. If you’re interested in learning more about them, we recommend checking out the Decentralized Web Primer from the Internet Archive or check out Hashtag.Org, as we offer a full suite of decentralized services.

About out decentralized domain name services…

Hashtag.Org is the home of the hashtag domain. Of course, there are different types of decentralized domains available, from traditional domains like .org and .com to new decentralized domains like .eth and .zil. Hashtags are a unique and memorable way to brand your website, wallet, or email address with a keyword that is easy for people to find and share.

To purchase a hashtag domain, simply go to our website and search for the keyword you want. If it’s available, you can purchase it immediately. If it’s not available, you can add it to your wishlist, and we’ll notify you when it becomes available.

What are the different types of decentralized domain names?

.org: A traditional domain that is perfect for non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and community groups.

.com: A traditional domain that is perfect for businesses of all types.

.eth: A decentralized domain that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Perfect for wallets, dapps, and other Ethereum-based services.

.zil: A decentralized domain that runs on the Zilliqa blockchain. Perfect for wallets, dapps, and other Zilliqa-based services.

#domains: A unique and memorable domain that is perfect for branding your website, wallet, or email address #useyourimagination.

Decentralized browsing with the Hashtag Browser

The Hashtag Browser is a fast and secure way to browse the decentralized web. It includes all the features you need to take full advantage of the decentralized web, including:

  • A built-in IPFS node that allows you to access content from the IPFS network.
  • A built-in Dat node that allows you to access content from the Dat network.
  • A built-in Filecoin node that allows you to access content from the Filecoin network.
  • A built-in ENS resolver that allows you to resolve human-readable names on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • A built-in DHT that allows you to find content on the decentralized web.

The Hashtag Browser or plugin is available for free on our website. Note that you can use our plugin in any browser.

Decentralized searching with the Hashtag Search Engine

The Hashtag Search Engine is a fast and secure way to search the decentralized web. It includes all the features you need to take full advantage of the decentralized web.

There is a slew of other decentralized web services as well, including, but not limited to:

  • Decentralized email
  • Decentralized streaming
  • Decentralized social media
  • Decentralized banking

Hashtag.Org, via Project Decentralization, is building a decentralized platform with many of these services featured. Please, visit us today to see what we offer.

Decentralized Web Services


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